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Perfect price bracket to live, renovate or invest in Woolgoolga!

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1/66 River Street, Woolgoolga
$1909.10 per month plus GST + outgoings
Available NOW

Property Location: Shop 1/66 River Street Woolgoolga - COFFS HARBOUR - NSW

Listing Id: 4665612  

Description: High profile location shopfront located on River Street, Woolgoolga.
This shopfront will include the beautiful and modern fitout with 3 separate rooms, toilet,shower and kitchen, perfect for a beauty salon, massage therapist or health profession/consultant.
This space is approx 50m2 with parking at the front and side of the building.
Shop will be available after 29 Febuary 2024.
Rent is $1909.10 per month plus GST plus outgoings.
For more information please call the Cardow & Partners office on 6654 1148.

1/66 River Street, Woolgoolga
$1909.10 per month plus GST + outgoings - Available NOW

Contact Cardow & Partners Property Woolgoolga Today!!!

Contact Melissa Schothorst
Phone 0438 484 828

Contact Amee Oaks
Phone 02 6654 1148

Property ID:4665612

Email Cardow & Partners Property Woolgoolga Now!

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